We take a whole school staff approach to safeguarding the children at nursery, and you can find details of our safeguarding team and our Child Safeguarding Policy here:
We have a professional and personal duty and responsibility to ensure that all our children and adults are safe and happy at Nursery. Below you will find information about the work we do, and the guidance that supports this work.
Andrew Hall is a highly-regarded safeguarding and child protection expert, who has a website with materials, training and advice for educational and safeguarding professionals. Our safeguarding training for DSLs, (Designated Safeguarding Leads), and governors is delivered online with Andrew Hall. He sends out a weekly update, which is very useful. Here’s the link to his website:
Keeping Children Safe in Education, (KCSIE), is the document that underpins all our safeguarding work, and all our staff members have read and understood their roles and responsibilities. This guides our work in safeguarding children.
Keeping Children Safe In Education 2024
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023
Here is a link to the Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021 in different community languages:
We make sure that all members of our safeguarding team, which consists of: Executive Head (DSL), Sendco (DSL), Under 3’s Leader (DSL) and admin assistant, are kept up to date with current research and relevant reports. The Designated Safeguarding Leads attend the Nottingham Local Authority and/or the Early Years DSL termly networks. Femi Folorunso is our nominated safeguarding governor; he has attended specific Local Authority training for safeguarding governors. Our safeguarding team meets monthly; we devote the beginning of the meeting to relevant training or discussion about new developments or things to be aware of, then we discuss the cases of all pupils we have concerns about, with actions recorded on the minutes.
In light of the Ofsted Review of Sexual Abuse in Schools and Colleges, here’s a link to the report itself and to the NSPCC helpline which offers guidance and support to adults and professionals who work with children in education:
What would you do if you saw/heard a child or young person in your community being treated in a way which made you feel uncomfortable or concerned for their safety? It’s worth knowing that you can report it anonymously to the NSPCC: email them at help@nspcc.org.uk or call 08088005000. Click the icon for more advice from their website.
This is a useful link for practitioners, parents and carers, with tips and advice to help keep your children safe. Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried. Click the icon to go to the website.