We want the best start in education for your child and a strong routine of regular attendance makes a big difference! If your child is not at school please telephone school, 0115 915 9090 by 9.00am /12.45pm as we have a duty to record all absences. Please do not allow your child to attend the nursery if they are suffering from a contagious illness which could easily be passed on to others. If your child appears unwell during the day, we will contact you to collect them. If you are unable to collect them, other authorised contacts may be used.
We ask you to attend school promptly to ensure the safety of all children and families and to ensure children receive full access to all the learning experiences available to them at Nursery School. Please let us know if you are running late, especially at home time. A late collection fee will be applied of £5 per fifteen minutes. This applies to all sessions due to being us needing to maintain legal ratios and staffing costs.
If attendance falls below 85%, you are at risk of losing the nursery place. Please speak to any of the nursery team if you have any concerns about this. Further documents are on our policies page.